Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Storing Your Collections

At Cube Self Storage, we have the ability to store a wide range of items. Here are a few examples of collections that we can store on your behalf:
  • Art – we can store all your artwork from oil paintings to watercolours, sketchings and more.
  • Sculptures – whether you need to store a wooden, marble, concrete or ceramic statue, we have a storage solution to suit your needs.
  • Furniture – we can store priceless, antique furniture or more modern collections
  • Antiques – we can offer suitable storage for all your antiques
  • Jewellery – we are able to store small or large collection of jewellery
  • Rugs, Quilts, Textiles and Tapestries – soft-furnishings can all be catered for in our storage facility
  • Sporting Memorabilia - we can offer storage for all you sports items, whether new or old.
  • Ceramics and Glass – we can store any form of glass or ceramic item.
  • Electronics – whether you collect antique radios or computer equipment, you’re collection will be safe with us.
  • Musical Instruments – whether you need to store a church organ or a violin, we have a storage solution to suit your collection.
If you would like to find out more about our storage facility, please contact us.

1 comment:

  1. It's good that these guys agree to store your paintings, they're essentially agreeing to keep them in good condition. A lot of self storage facilities don't have the temperature and climate control necessary for these kind of tasks. I know that my local guys (http://cubeselfstorage.blogspot.co.uk/2012/11/insurance-cover-at-cube-self-storage.html) are working on something to his effect, gets me excited being an artist myself.
